General Info:
Monday morning we will meet at disney springs by 9:30 AM. Aim to be there earlier so you are definitely on time. Once we are all there we will take a quick moment to get everyone set and go over rules with everyone in person. At 10:00 we will start the game and all go our separate ways. The game will go until 6:00. Expect that it will take some time after to get everyone together and get a final point tally.
Win condition:
In order to win the game you must score more points than any other team by 6:00.
Scoring and points:
During this game you will be in charge of keeping your own score. You score points in three main ways.
1st: Complete the main challenge that will become available to you every hour.
2nd: Complete side challenges that will happen randomly throughout the day.
3rd: Finish different challenges on your bingo card to gain points.
It is suggested that you keep track of your score on a notepad whether that be digital or physical. It is not necessary but is recommended. At the end of the game we will meet up and do a final tally everyone's points to see who won.
Special Rules______
Tag rule:
If you can manage to sneak up on and tag another team before they can tag you they will be frozen in place at the exact position they are at for 10 minutes. During this time they may not do any movement or exploration of the resorts whatsoever. If you tag another team, you may give them or eat a piece of your coal. This coal will be important at the end of the game. When you get a tag you must call it out in the "Tag Callouts" WhatsApp group. Failure to do so will result in you loosing points in the final tally. And very importantly you may not tag that same team again for another 30 minutes.
Special Cases:
If you are tagged on a bus, finished the bus ride before starting the timer exactly where you got off. If you are tagged before entering a bus you must remain at the bus stop you were tagged at.
Explore what stuff is put in your bag. It will probably be useful to you.
Life 360:
As we meet up Monday morning we will set up the 360 circle. We will use this during the day to be able to track the other teams. Use this to your advantage if you ever need to hunt down another team. At the end of the day the circle will no longer be needed. At this point feel free to leave the circle and uninstall.
-Bring battery pack.
-Make sure you are alert to your phone for any notifications during the day.
-Bring lunch or be prepared to buy it. We will be out most of the day.
-Bring or be prepared to buy water
-Bring sunscreen if needed.
-A drawstring bag will be provided to each team to carry stuff in.